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Notes from Moderators/Ask the Moderators

Posted: 10:05PM Jun 26, 2021
Posts: 8

I want to make the moderators aware that this site is violating a copyright owned by MindTrap Games Inc.

I see teasers here that are exact duplicates of a product called MindTrap that got released in 1991. There's a Wikipedia page about that product at The product contains 500 teasers.

I.E., the Should You Be Institutionalized? teaser that's the top one listed every time violates that copyright. I've seen other ones here that are exact duplicates of ones from that product too. So you may want to be aware that this site can be liable to MindTrap Games Inc for infringing their copyright.
Posted: 12:16PM Dec 2, 2022
Avatar for -FR33FA11- -FR33FA11-g
Posts: 1

Hi. I have a teaser that's been in the queue since October. What do I do? I've waited so long, and one of them I worked very hard on. My submissions tab has been full for so long, and I'd like to be able to submit more, but the two I have have just been sitting there.
Posted: 05:08AM Jan 11, 2024
Posts: 16

A teaser called Transvocalic Teaser can be edited, one of the comments gives a more correct answer.
Posted: 02:17AM Jan 27, 2024
Posts: 16

Just some constructive feedback about the teasers.

There's lots of teasers that require specialized knowledge. Teasers that are impossible for people to answer if they don't have that specialized knowledge (unless they cheat like asking ChatGPT). Specialized knowledge like needing to know
- words in a foreign language
- politics in specific countries
- history of specific countries
- materials from the Bible
- specific books published
- density of planets

It's stuff that people typically wouldn't know if they haven't read those books, aren't from those countries, don't follow those religions, etc.

From comments in teasers, I see the majority of users haven't logged in for 10+ years. Having too many teasers like those could be a reason why the site is less popular than it used to be.
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