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Honey, don't worry, I'll be home by five. Caption by sciencesteven
Why am I not moving?! Caption by
When will Joe learn that you can't ride a painting? Caption by mir77
I couldn't afford a real bike, I spent all my money on the white paint. Caption by Cindzey
Now i know why he isn't going anywhere, there's no chain! Caption by changhill
I only ride this one as I couldn't ride a bike with training wheels!!! When I was 30 :) Caption by spud
Dave was ridding his bike then BAM! the thiefs took it. He still comes back to the seen of the crime to "ride" his bike. Caption by Dontrelle
When training wheels are just too tough. Caption by orangesali
I'ts a lot easier on my hemorrhoids Caption by hemorrhoids
Sure he caused lots of people to stare, but Uncle Joe was happy, and we weren't going to take that away from him. Caption by Hrsemn4
help! i've fallen and can't get up! Caption by soggyfroggy5
Well sometimes boredom calls for improvisation Caption by Poseidon
Ha! Now my wife will think I'm excersizing! Caption by coolcow35
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