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GD Guidelines and Questions for the Moderators

Post from afbaxter deleted on 12:23AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:24AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from Life_Sucks deleted on 12:23AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:24AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from Life_Sucks deleted on 12:25AM Jul 17, 2009.
Posted: 11:29PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for snowmonster snowmonsterAus
Posts: 19811

Life_Sucks wrote:
I find it sort of funny how the Moderators are making small talk amongst themselves. Like, the last four posts could've been discussed in BFR or something, right? Isn't this a thread for Questions and Answers to them?

You are right. . . we could have discussed how these "much talked about issues", here in this topic should come to an end, in BFR. . . . . by all means, I have no right to suggest that we need to move on "here". . . . and of course, by all means, others have no right to comment on my post. . . about moving onto other questions and concerns about GD. I am so sorry for breaking any rule here - by discussing in "small talk" about how we need to move on . . . . I will delete my posts promptly.

---This message was edited on 11:29PM Jul 16, 2009---

Take all sorrow out of life and you take away all richness, and depth, and tenderness. The capacity of sorrow belongs to our grandeur. It is the furnace that melts hearts together in love.
Post from RGW4 deleted on 12:27AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:32AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from RGW4 deleted on 12:05AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:29AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 10:44AM Jul 17, 2009.
Posted: 01:24AM Jul 17, 2009
Avatar for froggygg froggyggAusmod
Magical Sorceress Frog
Posts: 9892

dowinka wrote:
Can someone please explain to me what all the unexplained deleting is about? It's getting carried away.

Dowinka, I have no doubt that you know why all those posts were deleted. Both you and Life_ Sucks were questioning why two moderators were allowed to have a small discussion. You both said you were sure the Mods posts would be left alone while yours would all be deleted, and then proceeded to continue to post some rather rude comments. Obviously you were wrong because Snowy deleted her posts, RGW deleted his own posts, and Brainy1 deleted her post in order to show that you were wrong about double standards.

Since snowy's first post dealt with the topic of a kids forum reaching a closure, it was on topic and left as was Sunrose's post (a member who had been actively asking questions) that agreed with snowy. All others were deleted per your comments that they should be deleted as being off topic. Thank you for your help by bringing the need for off topic posts to be deleted, to our attention.

SMILE and people will wonder what you are up to!
Posted: 01:48PM Jul 17, 2009
Avatar for LogicalRoger LogicalRogerAus
Posts: 3306

I hope this is still considered on topic, as I will hearken back to the issue of why the "Grown-ups' forum is here. Obviously I do not feel that children or younger members should be quiet for fear of swaying the conversation (indeed I am a younger member and would like to hope that I have meshed along with adult conversations well). But I feel that, while this site is still family-friendly, the "Grown-Up" forums may allow for more adult discussion, for possibly topics on death and more serious issues which might make uncomfortable or frighten some of the younger group. Clearly there are many teens, and even younger members who are wise enough to understand and contribute to these subjects, but I'm not sure generally. Except for pure spam, I don't think that many adults would have problems with topics of a younger nature, and therefore the need for a children's forum isn't necessary.

I'm just glad that this forum has a quick way of asking the mods questions and concerns. I have noticed that it has answered the questions brought to them, and I hope it continues like this. I do not intend to be rude to any mod or insult an entire forum, but I would just like to note that the Entertainment forum has a similar topic, but it hasn't been used in nine days. I am probably overreacting about the waiting length, but I would like to ask all mods how long it takes to decide a decision, roughly. Around 9 or 10 days ago, my topic there was locked and given to be discussed, so I am just wondering when I will see conclusion on that.

Clearly each issue may take a different amount of time, but at this moment I wish there was some sort of way to know if my issue was being discussed and taken care of. Yes being behind closed doors certainly does have its disadvantages, and if there was some sort of way to know how it was going and that it was being taken care of that was public, such as a public mod calendar of some sort, I think that at least some of us would feel better about the wait.

Thanks for all consideration.

Why didn't the Libertarian cross the road?
Posted: 06:48PM Jul 17, 2009
Avatar for froggygg froggyggAusmod
Magical Sorceress Frog
Posts: 9892

Thank you Logical for your comments and input regarding the Grown Up forum.

As to your problem in the Entertainment forum, I do know that your topic has been discussed and I have posted in the Entertainment forum Guidelines explaining what is going on. Thanks for all your patience while this was being worked out.

SMILE and people will wonder what you are up to!
Posted: 08:50PM Sep 17, 2009
Avatar for afbaxter afbaxterb
Posts: 351

[Comment removed by Moderator froggy]

Do things like this (^) increase productivity in the Braingle community? Does it increase efficiency, or save problem solving time?

Posting questions or opinions reinforcing those questions is supposed to be encouraged in this thread, and for that matter throughout the community. The reason why, often times, they aren't posted as a PM is because others (ie. the public) may feel the same way and/or be interested in the same issue - hence the use of a *public* forum. So, why edit every single post that comes along concerning the moderators ability to do their job?

And I don't think it's fair to say, "they have a lot to deal with so be nice," or "stop complaining, it's a hard job," because.. hey! They applied for this position. They took the pressure with open arms. Plus, you can't expect everybody to love you when you give off a (possibly misinterpreted) "superior" attitude. Don't expect to be appreciated by everybody when it seems like, in some cases, you don't appreciate those "under" you. Just because you have the power to edit a post doesn't mean that you are justified to edit every thing that might rub you wrong.

I respect you as people, and I acknowledge the fact that not all moderators give off said narcissistic vibe. I respect the fact that you were willing to attempt to take over these jobs and I respect the fact that you were deemed qualified, at one point, to be involved in this. I really do.

This isn't meant to start anything, I just don't understand a few things and wanted to be heard.
Posted: 04:58PM Oct 14, 2009
Avatar for LogicalRoger LogicalRogerAus
Posts: 3306

Could a mod please remove all of the spammy emoticons from Doomsday's post in the topic titled "Delusions"? It is very unnecessary and is causing computers to work slowly. Thanks.

Why didn't the Libertarian cross the road?
Post from iforgotbraingle deleted on 12:14AM Oct 26, 2009.
Posted: 11:10PM Oct 25, 2009
Avatar for Gerrard10 Gerrard10Aus
Posts: 1189

I know i've only been on braingle for almost two years.....but I want to get more be a mod...but i'm not up to that quality yet. What can I do?

They call me Gerrard.
Posted: 12:24AM Aug 2, 2010
Avatar for iforgotbraingle iforgotbraingleAus
Posts: 4883

Hey, can we restart the thing from last summer? It got a lot of activity going.

*throws random food at someone*

Well then.
Posted: 12:27AM Aug 2, 2010
Avatar for froggygg froggyggAusmod
Magical Sorceress Frog
Posts: 9892

IFB, I'm not quite sure what "thing" from last summer that you are referring to. Can you be a little more specific?


SMILE and people will wonder what you are up to!
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