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Play Pirate's Booty

This game is similar to minesweeper, but with a twist. Instead of avoiding the mines, you are trying to find buried treasure. Use your metal detector and trusty shovel to locate and dig up the treasure chests. But be careful! If you dig too many empty holes your pirate crew will mutiny and make you walk the plank!

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Ye Olde Instructions

Ignore at yer own peril
Click to Play

You are the captain of a crew of cutthroat pirates on a treasure hunt. For each parcel of land you may either dig a hole or use the metal detector to search for buried treasure.

Metal Detector

Click on a square and the metal detector will display the number of adjacent treasures. Avast! The metal detector is so powerful that it will melt any treasure directly below it. This will cause your crew's morale to drop.


Press the 'shift' key and click to dig a hole. If you dig up a treasure, your crew will be happy. Dig an empty hole and your crew will lose morale.


If the morale drops to zero your crew will mutiny and the game will be over. Locate all the treasures to advance to the next island.

Click to use metal detector.
Shift-Click or click and hold to dig a hole.
1 Level
0 Score
10 Morale
10 Buried Treasures

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