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Damn baby...when you say Chill, you ain't kidding!!! Caption by IB247
Now that's one cold shoulder. Caption by kno1
So maybe I am parked illegally, just go ahead and try to put a ticket on my windshield. Caption by bad_captions
I hate summers in Minnesota. Caption by lab123
i think the air conditioner works Caption by saeger85
Finally, a cold day in Hell!!! Caption by gotohell
I triple dog dare you to lick it! Caption by 974999gec
So maybe I am parked illegally, just go ahead and try to put a ticket on my windshield. Caption by tomhanks
i dare you to go lick that minivan Caption by miss_emo_girl
Uh...honey? I may need to borrow your hair dryer for a couple of hours.... Caption by teddybair
Hey, I think I might have turned the AC a little too high. Caption by friesaregood
Hey, It's Ice Cube's car. Caption by brainybaby999
As the glacier melted, we were surprised to see the caveman had a Ford. 3500 B.C. Ford Mammoth. Caption by EnderofGames
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