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"We got a call about a cat burgler." Caption by squabkicker
how much is that kitty in the window? Caption by mitch2007
Huff and puff all you want - the answer is still HELL NO!! Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
"That huff & puff thingy will not work here",dog breath. Caption by QueenBee23
I don't want none o'dem girl scout cookies, I ain't interested in no magazine subscriptions, and I got all the knives I be needin'. Caption by oddrey
This is how dogs do their grocery shopping Caption by mindxfreak
Dogs- "Come on, just a lttle lick?" Kitty- "Nuh-uh. My mommy warned me about you!" Caption by geniusgirl13
No thanks, we're Southern Baptist....have a nice day.. Caption by NYTETIMER
"But mommmm! I want to go outside and play with my friends!!" Caption by bfftwer
hahaha u can't get me! nananananna Caption by
In this mirror, I look superior! Caption by wannamarryharry
"Go all huffing and puffing, Big Bad, the answer is still HELL no." Caption by flutflutflyer
MWAHAHHAHAHAH! You have stolen my kitty toy for the last time! Now you are trapped outside! MWAHAHHAHAHA! Caption by Frada8D
I'm, tellin' ya -- we wuz FRAMED!! Caption by NANG
Not the Jehovah's Witnesses again... Caption by nidhogg
Dogs: "Yeah I'll have an egg mcmuffin with sausage and two hashbrowns." Cat: "Okay that'll be $4.99. Next window please." Caption by ILoveWicked1505
you want fries with that? Caption by
Dogs: so why are you in the slammer? Cat: I was busted with catnip! Caption by spiderpig
Cat: See they like me better 'cause I can use the litter box and you guys ... .....well you just smell. Caption by 4me_x2
"How much for the meal in the window? The one with the little white tail? How much is the meal in the window? I sure do hope that meal is for sale." (PS - No offense to kitten lovers. :O) Caption by Writeaway
Sorry, we're all out of candy. Come back next Halloween. Caption by RiddleMeThis91
I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. Caption by irivera
Have your people call my people..... Caption by KIZMIAZ
You are not getting on this side of the door until you learn to use the litter box! Caption by etty
Sorry guys...the 'Rents busted me comin' in late & I'm so grounded, I'm growin' roots. Caption by IB247
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