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When they reached the restrooms, there was a sign: Closed for Repairs, next Restrooms 300 yards! Caption by bluegrasss
It was only at the far end of his walk that Joe remembered that he had not gotten the key from the attendant... Caption by Hrsemn4
If you needed to go to the toilet, you should have said so 2 hours ago... Caption by Evita
Not only was it a long walk, but they were all out of toilet paper too. Caption by luckylefty
You know, that bush over there is starting to look better and better. Caption by Thinker1995
After going crazy for fourteen hours of holding it in, James saw the toilet on the sign. Locals gazed in awe at what the American tourist did in front of the sign. They then promised to hate Americans forevermore. Caption by Davegle
It is pointing to the edge people... The sign basically states "Piss off" Caption by justinf
what!! 500 miles to the nearest toilet?!?! Oh, Great, now on top of that its raining......wait i dont think thats rain running down my leg.............great tomorrows chineese newspaper headlines"american tourist wets himself on the great wall"Great. Caption by gojoe27
This is why some people call the Huang He, the Yellow river. Caption by wettwilly10
Ah man, I knew something like this would happen after accepting that triple dog dare water chugging challenge from that monkey in the previous caption. Caption by caulker
Is it just me, or is that sign telling us to pee off the edge? Caption by oddrey
Father: "It's only a few more miles son, can you hold it?" Son: "I gave up a mile ago." Caption by jsdodgers
Itinerary for our trip to the bathroom: 1 parachute and 3 bars of soap. Caption by dawnrising
i knew i should have brought an extra pair of pants!! Caption by pmreeder
That way. It's over there somewhere. Just keep walking. Caption by Kilroywashere
ok can we stop know i need to go to the restroom and its that way. wait i dont see anything.ugh is this some kind of joke. i have been walkin for 5 miles and i needed to go to the restroom and all i get is a joke! Caption by rrp11
oh my idea was so great,first let them visit the dry desert,second give them free water,third pay them 10 dollars each to pee! Caption by cedesprincess
how long do you think you can hold it Joey Caption by lkins
Dude! I can't hold it in forever! Caption by klsowell
Woohoo! were HERE!!!! -Mommy, Can I go to the restroom? -NOW!!!!! Caption by codemaster
By following this path, you will learn how tiolets were invented and it will amaze you Caption by Mini-legs25
Mommy, I gotta go pee-pee. Wait Jimmy. Your brother has to go first. Hey, why is it raining? Jimmy, NO JIMMMMYY! Caption by garrettcox
This wall was created to the purpose of accessing a toilet. Caption by Iliketrains
I like the cit Caption by Eggbert99
Lets confuse the tourists! Caption by Jake
By the time you get there you won't have to go any more. Caption by paulbrec
I made it rain Caption by Goldenstar
Batroom 250 miles. If you haven't gone in your pants before you get there you didn't have to go in the first place Caption by jubu42
What you don't read in chinese it says 'hehe door locked' Caption by rowdyrods
That's the line for the ladies room, the men's room is right around the corner, no waiting. Caption by jaycr
"WHAT!? I walked 1000 miles to a broken toilet!?" Caption by kaipolani114
they want us to pee on the great wall of china right? Caption by jojo7171998
Jimmy didn't have to go until he saw the sign. Caption by kiki_rocks
Just follow the yellow brick road. Caption by zonahobo
Person 1: Oh, look, I can read Chinese! It says: "The elephant got out of it's cage and all the people started running away." Person 2: Or just "Toilet that way" Caption by dancingd3
I think I can hold it... Caption by PurpleWriter
LOOK OUT BELOW!! *pees off of ledge* Caption by NoComment
After you honey, I can hold it. Caption by butterflyboy
Welcome to Golden Showers Mountain Caption by Marklg
Remember my son, The longest journey begins with the first drip.... Caption by duhclyde43210
So I can use the entire canyon? Great! Caption by brainybetty
beyond this sign board..u can go for toilet EVERY WHERE...!! Caption by ammara
I'll just go right here! Caption by heathjab
Ah... So THAT'S how they built the Great Wall so quickly! Caption by Reyth
"I told you you should have used the bathroom before we left!" Caption by JZumun
China won every gold, silver, and bronze metal at the 2008 Olympics, while the other athletes were looking for the Foreign Athletes Only restroom. The IOC is investigating. Caption by Nedphoenix
"Man, the toilet is too far away... LOOK OUT BELOW!!!" Caption by dogg6pound9
I said, where is the NEAREST bathroom?! Ugh, I hate the language barrier. Caption by BrainiacBrandon
It says toilet this waaaaaaaaaaaay! Caption by catfood99
So... Far.. Away... Caption by Faith511
In the air? Caption by westbrook
After hours of walking, Carl discreetly found a tree. Caption by eastcan
This is a politcal cartoon for mongolians Caption by enrique223
John thought the toilet might as well have been a couple miles away. Then he saw the sign, and realized it was farther than that. Caption by biskmatar77
If the toilet's all the way on the the other side, then you might as well call it the Not-so-great Wall of China! Caption by quesadillaman12
Only the black men are laughing. Caption by squabkicker
ok Caption by Ammer
Only 1,000 more miles, son Caption by Nerd2
Jasmine really had to go really bad and came to this toilet sign. After 1000 miles of walking she finally realised this is a mens restroom. Caption by
The toilets at the bottom of the wall? Caption by chocolatecake
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