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I'll get to the bottom of this. Caption by tpg76
whem I geth outh of here, I swhear im goin tho hill you thor waughin at me!!!! Caption by wildman274
Yeah, I was just um... yeah. My bad. Caption by dswilborn
mmmm peamut bubber Caption by lkins
"It seems the peanut butter fiend was one of your Corgis, ma'am. Now can we please get back to policing London?" Caption by LogicalRoger
WELP WELP!! I'm in a weel ticky situation!!! Caption by JLP1
what? i couldn't find the jelly and i didn't like the bread, what else was there to do? Caption by mir77
Sthop stharing and help me unsthick my tongue! I'm stheriouth guys.... Caption by MixedMind
Warning, things in the bottom of a jar appear closer than they are. Caption by zonahobo
You're the designated driver right? Caption by rob77
Uh, I ink i ung i uck! Caption by LCMW
How many licks does it take to get to the bottom of a peanut butter jar???? Caption by missemogirl
If only my tongue were a wee bit longer. Caption by oddrey
I got something better then a spoon Caption by Shaw3C
This isn't really what it looks like... Caption by PRAragorn
Choosy dogs choose Jifs! Caption by ciara5
Very chewy!Now they won't be able to have a PBJ sandwich!HA HA HA HA! Caption by FrostyDCH
It's good to the last drop! Caption by RebelAir
uhhh. Hi. Youre home early. Don't pay any attention to the dog with his tongue in the jar. Caption by deltacommander
I cleaned the jar. I do dishes next time? Caption by Keymotto
I taught oohh 'aid oo'd be 'ome at zix? Caption by Scubee
how will i explain this in my peanutbutter addiction meet...and to think i was doing so well....was a whole 30 days clean Caption by june12
Think this is bad, wait until you see how he cleans out the jelly jar. Caption by mannishboy24
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