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Stop sucking your thumb does NOT mean to use MINE!!! Caption by IB247
Don't worry, Mitch! I'll get the kitten out! Caption by Frada8D
Oh, put a paw in it! Caption by katangirl16
Boston Terrier Cream Pie... my favorite! Caption by LambertLady
Oh man, real dogs DON'T taste like hot dogs! Caption by celtichero
No... I'm not a vampire... Caption by saelle138
Lickin' my pup-sicle! Caption by hnolan
Here's your Punch you ordered. Caption by KiraKaty
Stop snorring..! Caption by Nagbhushan82
Some people eat a dozen raw eggs. Some people... well some people take it a step further. Caption by Katie_go_bears
Rub-a-dub-dub, there's too many puppes in the tub! Caption by geniusgirl13
This year's "Puppy Bowl" has had dramatic budget cuts. Caption by Hrsemn4
The phrase, "You're so cute I could just eat you up!" does NOT apply to this situation! Caption by cookies466
Does this paw taste funny to you, too? Caption by labbie
Hey wait a minute, how many weight watcher points are in one bowl of these? Caption by QueenBee23
Yeah, yeah I'm a doctor! Now say AAHH! Caption by
And after we check your ears, nose and throat, you'll need to bend over and cough..... Caption by NYTETIMER2
Psst......can you keep a secret??? Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
When I said I was craving puppy chow, this is NOT what I had in mind. Caption by undercover
Shhh!! They'll find us!! Caption by
"Ha ha..told you my paw was faster than your tongue! Stick it out again." Caption by
What the??? My mouth tastes like foot. Caption by BMX2
"Hey, how long ago did you swallow my rubber bone? It's in there pretty deep." Caption by Davegle
Igor, I've done it! I have finnaly brought Oreos to life! Caption by glowtmickey
Feed me! Caption by kaipolani114
"Why are we in a bowl? And who's the guy with the soy sauce and chop sticks?" Caption by squabkicker
Mmmmm. A nice big bowl of LIVE PUPPIES!!! Caption by storkofthemork
Hey..if we milk this cuteness thing, we could end up on the cover of L. L. could happen. Caption by JEWELEDDIVA
Sssshhh!!!! I thought I heard Michael Vicks.... Caption by KIZMIAZ
When OREO's go bad. Caption by Qball479
Put a paw in it! Caption by ShiariSunShine
Do NOT call it a litter basket again! You want to end up on the curb??? Caption by IMPAUDITOR2
Face it - a passle of pups is a darn sight lighter than a barrel of monkies.... Caption by CRABBYDAD
No more Boston baked beans.....give it a rest dude, it's a small basket. Caption by NANG
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