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hey, watch out for the snake in the grass Caption by cartoon
Darn! I paid them to PAINT the car, not PLANT it! Caption by americangirl06
Here we get a rare look at the Beetle in it's natural habitat. Caption by andilaine
And they all said that I couldn't grow a thing? Caption by tmosley
"Herbie Fully Camo'd" Caption by RiddleMeThis91
Ahh, Camoflauge, Herbie's getting smarter Caption by Poseidon
this chia pet thing has gone way too far! Caption by morganik
special forces transport for stealth jungle missions Caption by
couldn't afford a car so i made this and put some wheels under it and people will think i'm hidding "my car" Caption by hottie37
Hey, you got something on your car! Caption by glenn222
When we said we wanted a leaf-green car-we meant the color Caption by simpleplan
Earthworm Man finally gets his equivalnt of a Batmoblie. Caption by Mogmatt16
Herbie the Chia Pet! Caption by
Mother Nature realizes that she made a big mistake. Caption by Book-Kat
WARNING! Don't park your car for too long... it may sprout roots! Caption by FerretGirl
For the vegetarian on the go! Caption by animal_luver_04
a new type of car security. Caption by
Edward ScissorHand gets a job in manufacturing. Caption by proteosome
"I knew I left the fertilizer in the car!" Caption by jasminnm
The 70s had it all... VW Bugs and shag carpet! Caption by thistlechick
Bob never thought getting his car painted "forest green" meant this. Caption by bigsisjune
Finally a "true" eco-friendly car! Caption by eelliott2
"Dude, I think it's time to wash your car." Caption by ghodhereek
Mike was sure he'd sell his VW in a couple of days. Twenty years later, he's still waiting. Caption by snaps
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