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Joe bunched his fists and prepared to tenderize the meat. Caption by Davegle
Excuse me, I'm looking for this cow, about yeaaa long, and... oh, there she is! No? My Miss Steak. Caption by tpg76
Farmer Brown was such a big fan of the LA Lakers that he decided to paint Bessie's spots purple. Caption by hollymo
FARMER: Why do you have purple spots? COW: Why do you have that ugly yellow hat? FARMER: Touche Caption by geninkitty
Man: Watch out cow. I'm gonna tip you. Cow: Damn city folk. Caption by Izzie
It's sad when your only friends are plastic cows. Of course, it's even sadder when you plastic, too. Caption by bookworm91
Man: You are a child's play thing! Cow: You are a sad, strange little man. (This caption is from the animated Disney movie "Toy Story".) Caption by RiddleMeThis91
Cow tipping is most effective when fists are clenched. Formal attire is not necessary. The bell alerts you to when the cow has "tipped". Caption by
Eventually, The Man in the Yellow Hat got tired of George's curious antics and found himself a more docile pet. Caption by DaddyOuizle
rock...paper...scissors... dang it, we both picked rock again! Caption by jesus_freak
COW: mr. farmer? i thought you were taking me to the pastures...wait, is this seat made of LEATHER??? Caption by social_girl
"Why are you wearing a bell?" "Because my horns don't work." Caption by FreddyPharkas
Betsy, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore... Caption by silvashadez
And just then, Bob realized that he couldn't see Jane any more. It wasn't the purple spots or even the fact she was a cow. He just couldn't stand dating a woman taller than him. Caption by Tommy290
Where are you taking me. To the butch- to the barber chop. I meant shop!!! Caption by Voldemort
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