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The lengths a rodent will go to get a date for prom... Caption by oddrey
"Say yes already. My wingman isn't THAT strong." Caption by Davegle
Dude, you owe me big time if this works out between you and Grace. Caption by wannamarryharry
Some folks fall in love.... Others get dropped. Caption by wyoguy
You didn't say you were going to recite Romeo and Juliet! Caption by tuataralover
Best Wingman, EVER. Caption by LordT
Hold on... don't drop me, i almost got her. "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." Caption by jello4426
Yo bro' .. hold up .. Hottie on the Horizon ... Caption by GIVITUPYO
For you my love! Caption by FrostyDCH
I can't believe I'm helping you let a girl come between us. Caption by trickster2005
Alright. He loves you, yadda yadda yadda, she loves you back, yadda yadda yadda, we all live happily ever after. Now would someone please GET ME DOWN FROM HERE BEFORE I LOSE A FOOT?!? Caption by geninkitty
I'm out on a limb here..... Caption by NANG
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you... Caption by forevershortty
Sheesh, Mr. Hamster must have done something REALLY stupid if that's how he has to apologize. Caption by JrWriter
Get back up here! She's mine! Caption by Shadows
I thought she was exagerating when she said I am falling for you! Caption by harpgirl96
Who said this flower was for you? Maybe I just like living on the edge of death... You like me?...Why didn't you say so? Caption by Mouser101
will you go out with me? please decide quickly Caption by CaptainSnap
Oh John...Oh Marcia......Oh my aching back Caption by IMPAUDITOR2
I gotcha back bro'... Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
Are you going to take this flower or not? I can't be hanging around all day! Caption by dogg6pound9
I don't care what your friends say, I'm NOT that kind of Hamster!!!!! Caption by JEWELEDDIVA
Whoa Dude.....check out the blonde.. Caption by CRABBYDAD
I you drop me, I swear... Caption by dancingd3
How romantic............ I've always wanted my prince to fall from the sky. Caption by lil2007
When a Ham' loves a woman..... Caption by KIZMIAZ
"For you my lovely lady, how do I love you? let me count the wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Thud. Caption by Darkmisfortune
Did you just say "tree-some" or "three-some"???? Caption by NYG7154
If she's not impressed, oh boy. Caption by Cindzey
The things I do to help you meet someone. Caption by aggie
I hope that flower smells better then your butt!!! Caption by JLP1
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