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Rubber Duckie continues to deny the steroid allegations. Caption by 1deadcat
This is why we do not feed the birds Caption by 4wheels
We're gonna need a bigger bathtub. Caption by KiraKaty
The latest in sneak attacks: The Trojan Duck Caption by princess613
someone tell God that his tubs overflowed! Caption by FlyFishy4
If thats the large, then I don't want to know what extra large is. Caption by bamafan99
Word to the wise: when the Trojans offers you a giant duck, say NO. Caption by oddrey
BP deploys another ship to help with the cleanup, and to improve customer relations. Caption by SOisme
rubber ducky "AT LARGE" Caption by cici
The Sea Monster's favorite bath toy was a myth... Until now! Caption by awesomeness2468
Look's like it's omelette for dinner tonight...and the next night...and the next 3 years after. Caption by canse912
Don't be surprised if a giant Ernie suddenly surfaces. Caption by Shadows
Tokyo news reports say this is the first sign that Godzilla does indeed have a child. Caption by Zongetsu
The US Navy recently released it's new concept cruiser for the "kinder and gentler" military overhaul. Caption by zonahobo
Moby Duck has returned!!!!! Caption by kathryn6
Duckzilla takes Tokyo, details at 11. Caption by math321
Rubber Duckie, you're so fun. You take steroids, one by one... Caption by brain23
Just add water. Caption by Izzie
Well, at least Paul Bunyan is finally bathing... Caption by Hrsemn4
Wait until the kid comes back. Caption by iamsam4
OK...tell the Jolly Green Giant his tub's overflowed!!! Caption by NYTETIMER2
i knew we should have been suspicious of that giant egg... Caption by christine-ihatt
Because bigger really IS better..... Caption by jfilar3
What the duck... Caption by IB247
so thats where my tax money went, thank god i thought bush was gonna spend it on something useless Caption by
It's a small world after all Caption by LCMW
Who ya gonna call? Duckbusters! Caption by evilhand
Hahahaha! The duck is HERE! Now, flee in terror and horror. I shall finally have my revenge over all of those who laughed at me for taking a bath instead of a shower. I shall wash you aaaaaaallllllll!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Caption by dragunlord13
"Hey Ernie?" "Yeah Burt,?" "Did You Put You Rubber Duckie In The Harbor Again?" Caption by
Ernie Is Going To Need A Bigger Bathtub For That. Caption by Logic
That's one BIG bathtub Caption by blubberboy
Didn't you read the instruction that said not to over inflate?! Caption by froggygg
If That's The duck, I'd hate to see the kid Caption by Fallen-Angel
I'M not cleaning THAT tub... Caption by JEWELEDDIVA
you too can get these results in just 2 days Caption by
Big Duck in Little City Caption by celtichero
"heavy rain with a slight chance of giant duck." weird forcast, but ok. Caption by jello4426
Hmmm, looks like rubber ducky escaped from Godzilla's bathtub Caption by bighead1999
What the duck? Why is there a building in the bath? Caption by XtinaF
The mayor of Seaport decided to cancel the building of the new duck monument. Upon questioning, he admitted that the bill for such a project was much larger than originally planned... Caption by
Yo momma's so fat, that's her little rubber duck. OHHHH BURN Caption by awesomedfg
The new war on pirates has been launched... news and photos at 11. Caption by RGW4
We all just don't know the secret that rubber ducky is actually a battleship....... Caption by racoonieboy
Now THIS quacks me up!!! Caption by IGVADAMN
Mommy, daddy! Come here, it's a giant ducky! Caption by mathisnice
Wow, maybe I shouldn't have bathed in Miracle Grow after all... Caption by jonas
See, kids? That's what happens when you drop steroids in a bathtub. Caption by LambertLady
Wait 'til they build the shark version. Caption by DyreWolf
Where's the soap?? Caption by catfood99
His mother was the one that destroyed Atlantis Caption by logicgenius
Kid: Look at the giant duck can we keep him? Mom: No. Kid: BUT IT'S A GIANT DUCK!!! (This was inspired by the following quote from the DisneyPixar film "Up": "But it's a talking dog!" Caption by crocodile
Child:Mommy! There's a big rubber-duckie in the harbor! Mother:Stop your lying, you're going to the dentists'! Caption by E-man
No more would Ernie be teased by Bert - this was his ultimate revenge!! Caption by dswilborn
Talk about your fowl moods ..... Caption by CRABBYDAD
Who's been experimenting with uranium in the bath? Caption by Holo
China readies the Trojan Duck for it's trip to the Japanese harbour. Caption by idiot_original
Peking Duck anyone?? Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
a bubble bath experiment gone horribly awry! Caption by chiwawaboy78
i am the rubber ducky i will not make bath time fun i will make all eat my squeek!!!! Caption by kerriresi
This is why scientists never manufactured the "sponge ducky". Caption by rlc327
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