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I'll 'Flashdance' your @$$, wait right there ... Caption by
Jaws got nothing on me Caption by peter
The last thing my alarm sees after waking me up from my imaginary date Caption by YeeYeeG0D
Jump in the water they said... It'll be fun they said... Caption by livirox8
At least I have the next 8 lives free to get you back. Caption by Logic
There WILL be a line of Tequila shots waiting for me after this - RIGHT? Caption by NYTETIMER2
ITS IN MAH NOSE Caption by Tyra
Tigers are known to be very good swimmers Caption by Dire_Wolfie
If they think this is for fun, its not. I HAVE FLEAS!!!!! Caption by shadowhewerehog
1 Bourbon 1 Scotch 1 Beer ------------ 1 Blitzed Kitty. Caption by GIVITUPYO
Just keep swimming just keep swimming...dang i have to sneeze agh Caption by Evei
When tony refused to give secret ingredients of his famous frosted flakes, They sent this picture of his wife. Caption by Jason2684
A TigerShark! Caption by RivGSs
me jumping into conclusions like Caption by otter-animates
The moment you realize your cheetos are gone Caption by kayla666
Quick! Take the Picture Already! Caption by StuckOnline
Wet dream my furry behind! Caption by IB247
Cat fish. Caption by kennyireland
Presenting...the Tiger Shark! Caption by kadams
I can't believe my hair for my old yearbook pictures, ick!!! Caption by computerjk22
Tequila makes my fur fall off. Caption by NYG7154
What's a cat gotta do to get a drink aroun' here?!? Caption by undacuvagurl
Just because we're under water doesn't mean I can't kill you! Caption by bfftwer
We tried our best to find a sealion. Honestly, this was the best we could do... Caption by wettwilly10
ah f__k i fell in water CANT BREATH Caption by Gay_rat111
Top Ten Anime Betrayals Caption by Turzelle
who the f***k pushed into the water! come here you! Caption by sergef4
IM ABOUT TO EAT YOUR A$$ UP!!! Caption by TheAfroGoddess
I am a tiger shark! Caption by kmrutledge
"This isn't going to end up online, is it?" Caption by Star_Girl
Take a vacation they said. You'll have fun they said. Caption by minakodeb
"There goes my ninth life..." Caption by plain_jane
When you don't want to go to school Caption by mcbdancer3601
What? Everybody thinks the polar bear is cute when HE does this. Caption by pyrocipher17
oh no i cant swim, i forgot my life alert and i'm gonna drown Caption by samhall
CHEESE! Caption by amjs123
I'd rather NOT do the doggy paddle!! GRRR Caption by
The tiger is in a team of synchronized swimmers. He just ate the coach for lunch half an hour ago and is currently having a stomach cramp. Caption by thatcutekid
wow that lisnterine mouth wash add wasnt kidding...... Caption by bekka_bubz
ah nice day for a swim, or atleast learn how to swim. Caption by jasamine
i`m drowning but at least i have INVISIBILITY!!!!! Caption by samuraihunter
Wally fell for the old "hey, there's some fresh seafood just on the other side of that hill" gag for the third and final time. Caption by JimShorts
sounded like a good ida at the time Caption by anna_the_3rd
Since when did cats like water? Caption by cheeseislife
This tiger is either losing oxygen, really angry, or both. Caption by woodrock96
When my mom tells me no Caption by Smartest_Person
This is what I'D do for a Klondike bar. Caption by rlc327
"im going for a swim wait i forgot i cant swim help" Caption by heorbrine_son
Kitty doesn't want to take a bath Caption by KevinBacon9000
I could have sworn I heard a can opener. Caption by AwwwSweet
This does not taste like Jello!! Caption by JamFish
"Real quick, check my teeth! Do I have any food stuck in them? She's over there...hurry!" Caption by
just keep swimming ,just keep swimming ,JUST KEEP SWIMMING! Caption by Shaw3C
If my tatoo is smudged, fur WILL fly!!! Caption by TOONGIRL
Gagh ... I don't care WHO let's the dog out, JUST DO IT!!! Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
Ok, my 10 minutes is over. Give me my 20 dollars and let me out of here. Caption by glowtmickey
you killed my father prepare to die Caption by lkins
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