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I think we might be overfeeding him. Caption by PYTHON
Dave was beginning to doubt the pet shop clerk who said, "No, really, it's a Siamese!" Caption by paul726
Dad: Doesn't want a cat Family: Gets cat anyway Dad and the cat: Caption by B_Man
At the pet store, they told me my kitten would grow to be about a foot tall... Caption by mathmaven
Please can we have a kitten daddy? She said.. I'll look after it daddy, she said... What could go wrong? She said... Caption by Inseverepain
Yeah, yeah hold it steady. No, don't lower it! How can I get a full stretch in during my meal if you don't hold it so high? I'll just use your shoulder for stability. Caption by AlienChipBrain
"i swear i thought it was gonna attack me and then it just started drinking my milk' Caption by gkanko
...and here we have an early photo of Steve Erwin holding up his firstborn child to see the Siberian tiger up close. Caption by ddjake
When you're an adult but you're still dads baby Caption by SomeGhost
When your child only grows in height. Caption by simpleasgiulia
Mike's attempts to wean his pet off the bottle were not going as planned. Caption by whoviandeb
The zoo claimed Dave "quit" that day, but fact is, he was never seen again. Caption by Jen_The_Lynn
Giant dogs thinking that they are still puppies Caption by kathrynjones
what chu talkin about my baby grown up? he still drinken from a bottle and he still fits in my arms, so i don't wanna hear ya say hes a big boy. Caption by jasamine
Little did he know, his friends put hot sauce in the bottle as a prank. This is the last picture of jerry Caption by Inthewindwithit
Simba was left in the "Feed A Tiger Cub" experience a little too long. Caption by Xenia
"This is-" *OOF!* "...This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you teach tame tigers the jumping habits that they would naturally acquire in the wild..." Caption by Yeesha
worlds largest baby Caption by Nowy5656
Dave was happy he wasn't breastfeeding the kitten. Caption by ks_hari
As you can see this tiger really likes me wait what give me my water bottle back and now it ran away Caption by Rilord
Daddy, hold still... When did you grow so small? Did you not eat your veggiebles? Caption by leudy
First time khaki shorts and sandals got a "kitty" excited! Caption by Freshwhiteman
IM GONNA- ooo milk Caption by Tiky
Help!! I cant feed my pet! Caption by ItsSofia_M12
This is my child Caption by nemo498
Water me, human Caption by Skipsy
When your gf is mad then you give her food. Caption by Simp-Ana
Weeeeel..... we had a little mix up at the vet Caption by SBigelow
awwww he jus a big baybee ???? Caption by bopboppp
"And you think your baby gets cranky at feeding time!" Caption by TeriWalker
I hope you don't expect me to burp this baby! Caption by Tilley
Dad: Kids, look at your new baby brother! Kids: But it's a Tiger... Dad: Exactly! Caption by 41664
"Dang it, STOP HOLDING THE BOTTLE SO HIGH!" "(hoomans)" Caption by gracieboo929
The kid: wants a cat Dad: okay Also dad: Caption by king_solver_764
Mogli from the Jungle Book is a father now! Caption by XxRxd_RxsesxX
when you tried to be a friend with a lion Caption by gamergod421
Man, you gotta hate when she clings to you. Caption by Ginger0823
Stuffed animal Caption by Kjones2005
When you are 30 years old and still living with your mom. Caption by Jack_Spletcher
" Dave I told you that putting the cookies on the top shelf will not stop me. Stoopid hooman when will you learn?" Caption by kidflash1321
WHEN YOU WANT DA MILK Caption by shahhhqshahsahs
when your gf acts big and bad but is really a baby Caption by nay-bby
i told you not to fead it Caption by anna_the_3rd
Larry immediately regretted bottle feeding his baby in the presence of a giant carnivore. Caption by WhiteScar
give me my drink back! Caption by caleb77272
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